Dental-Medical Thermography (CDMT) for Dentistry

DMT Level 1

Dental Hygienists world wide now have opportunities to move ahead within their profession by becoming a certified Clinical Dental-Medical Thermographer! Using an Infrared Camera to which is able to visually display inflammatory markers in the head and neck region!

Imagine, being able to now "show" a patient early inflammatory markers that need special dental and medical attention for treatment!

The Oral-Systemic Link Is Real!

"The Mouth is a mirror for the body"

U.S. Surgeon General's Report 2000

Bacteria in the mouth can travel to other systems in the body and have been found in samples removed from brain abscesses, pulmonary tissue, placentas, and atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries of the heart.

If you are looking to implement Dental-Medical Thermography inside clinical treatment settings click the button below:

COMING SOON..........If you are looking for Registered Dental Hygiene interested in becoming a Dental Hygiene Nurse working inside Care Integration Centers:

Dental Hygienist is chosen to help

Bridge the Gap

Dental and Medical Community

The future of standardized patient healthcare will be collaboration of referrals between the Dentist and MD's with the help of a trained Dental Hygienist in CDMT!

Clinical Dental-Medical Thermography Level 1